Koppers Wood Products, Longford


Plant Number: 658
TPAA does not certify that this organisation complies with any or all of the requirements under AS/NZS1604.1:2021.
      TPAA has sighted a current certification certificate to a JASANZ accredited timber preservation certification scheme.no
      TPAA has sighted an annual verification check that has been completed as required under AS/NZS1604.1.no
      TPAA has sighted any other certifications held (e.g., CodeMark or ISO 9001 or another relevant product certification).Yes
Species treated:
Pinus Radiata H4 - H6, Tasmanian Hardwoods H4 - H5
Physical location
24 Tannery Rd., Longford, TAS., 7301
Postal address:
PO Box 29, Longford, TAS, 7301
Web site:
Hardwood Poles & Piles, Plantation Hardwood Netting Poles, Pine Posts Tapered suit Agricultural, viticultural, silvicultural & aquacultural purposes, Pine Posts Superlogs & Building Poles suit domestic fencing/landscaping, house stumps
Sales Contacts:
Ms Sharon Luttrell
Sales contact phone #:
0418 131 835
Sales contact email: