Plant Number: | 038 |
TPAA does not certify that this organisation complies with any or all of the requirements under AS/NZS1604.1:2021. | |
TPAA has sighted a current certification certificate to a JASANZ accredited timber preservation certification scheme. | no |
TPAA has sighted an annual verification check that has been completed as required under AS/NZS1604.1. | no |
TPAA has sighted any other certifications held (e.g., CodeMark or ISO 9001 or another relevant product certification). | no |
Timber treatment services
Species treated:
Primarily Radiata pine
Physical location
17 Bidois Road, Fairy Springs, Rotorua 3015, New Zealand
Postal address:
PO Box 9380, Tauranga 3142, New Zealand
Web site:
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Sales Contact:
Kerry Bloor
Sales contact phone #:
+64 21 223 3415
Sales contact fax #:
+64 7 577 0928
Sales contact email:
Treatment services provided: LOSP